Meet VIP Puppets gentle pair of zebras. Watch them gracefully meander through the Serengeti plains, or even an inner city street! This cautious pair will nervously search each other out, and excitedly move to greet each other. Encouraged by their attentive zookeepers they will meet their audience, and even enjoy some attention, food and petting. The zebras travel well and can be carried as hold luggage on international flights. ‘...... What a treat! I brought my children aged 3 & 4 to see the amazing puppets and it has proved to be an unforgettable experience for all three of us. That the children could interact so closely with the animals was a valuable experience...........the zebras were warm and friendly....... it was a unique family event with just the right balance of performance and participation, visually intriguing and delightful for all ages........ ‘ Louise Flooks - Participation Coordinator - Unity Theatre 2015