Dolly is a life-sized gentle giant of a giraffe who gracefully wanders where she pleases. She towers above her audience, but is always happy to lower her head to meet her biggest (smallest) fans, for a pet, or to nibble on some leaves. Her team of attentive zookeepers is always on hand to train new recruits in feeding, and cleaning up her poo! Dolly can wander alone, or with the newest addition to our zoo, her new baby, Juno. Happy Customer Quotes: 'The Giraffe was spectacular and a beautiful mover. Photograph and audience feedback suggest that it was definitely a highlight for many. Rowan was really easy to work with............' Liz Lempen, Director, Skipton International Puppetry Festival '...... delighted with the quality of the walkabout. The simple but effective design, the gentleness of the character and precision of the puppetry meant that it was very approachable. The company devised several forms of audience interaction, which all proved very appealing to children and adults alike........ added greatly to the overall effectiveness of the walkabout and the area in general. Competition is stiff at Glastonbury, with over 30 walkabout acts performing in the Theatre and Circus area at anyone time. Given the amount of people surrounding them as they mingled, they certainly proved one of the favourites. Haggis McLeod Theatre and Circus Area Organiser Glastonbury Festival